

Genres: Punk, Crust, D-beat

Release year: 2023

Country: Greece

City: Athens

Language: Greek

Format: .mp3

Π​υ​ρ Κ​α​τ​ά Β​ο​ύ​λ​η​σ​η - Έκπτωτος.mp3

Π​υ​ρ Κ​α​τ​ά Β​ο​ύ​λ​η​σ​η - Αόρατο Τείχος.mp3

Π​υ​ρ Κ​α​τ​ά Β​ο​ύ​λ​η​σ​η - Θάνατος από Ψηλά.mp3

Π​υ​ρ Κ​α​τ​ά Β​ο​ύ​λ​η​σ​η - Πνευματική Αποχαύνωση.mp3

Π​υ​ρ Κ​α​τ​ά Β​ο​ύ​λ​η​σ​η - Πυρ Κατά Βούληση.mp3

Π​υ​ρ Κ​α​τ​ά Β​ο​ύ​λ​η​σ​η - Σκάβεις τον Λάκκο σου.mp3

Π​υ​ρ Κ​α​τ​ά Β​ο​ύ​λ​η​σ​η - Ως Πότε.mp3

Size: 39 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 3 times


Genres: Punk, D-beat

Release year: 2023

Country: Greece

City: Ioannina

Language: Greek

Format: .mp3

Britney Fears - Intro.mp3

Britney Fears - Βία στη Διαταγή.mp3

Britney Fears - Εφιάλτες Ασύλου.mp3

Britney Fears - Καταδίκη.mp3

Britney Fears - Ορφανά του Κράτους.mp3

Britney Fears - Προσωρινά Νεκρό.mp3

Britney Fears - Τομάρια.mp3

Britney Fears - Τσιφτετέλι.mp3

Britney Fears - Φρίκες και Ψυχώσεις.mp3

Britney Fears - Χωρίς Προοπτική.mp3

Size: 40 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 3 times


Genres: Punk, Crust, D-beat

Release year: 2023

Country: Russian Federation

City: Moscow

Language: English

Format: .mp3

01. Intro.mp3

02. Party is right.mp3

03. Great purge.mp3

04. Peace or war.mp3

05. Repression.mp3

06. I hate you.mp3

07. Hell 37.mp3

08. Your regress.mp3

Size: 42 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 4 times


Genres: Crust, D-beat, Hardcore

Release year: 2023

Country: Sweden

City: Kristinehamn

Language: Swedish

Format: .mp3

Avskum - Borders And Deportations.mp3

Avskum - Den Heliga Dårens Återkomst.mp3

Avskum - Dårkista.mp3

Avskum - En Annan Värld Är Möjlig.mp3

Avskum - Fascismens Död.mp3

Avskum - Fred Kärlek Och Folkmord.mp3

Avskum - Ickevåldsprincipen.mp3

Avskum - Klinisk Jävla Dödsdrift.mp3

Avskum - Knarkare Är Starkare.mp3

Avskum - Rasstatens Altare.mp3

Avskum - Schmutz.mp3

Avskum - Snaran En Bit Ifrån Halsen.mp3

Avskum - Snutarna I Huvet.mp3

Avskum - Soul Dead Retrieval.mp3

Avskum - Stormtroopers Of Misogyny.mp3

Avskum - They Put Our Souls In The Killbox.mp3

Avskum - This Silence Is A Violence.mp3

Size: 63 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 9 times


Genres: Crust, D-beat

Release year: 2023

Country: Russian Federation

Language: Russian

Format: .mp3

РАСПРАВА - Бред иллюзий.mp3

РАСПРАВА - Интро - Мавзолеи ошибок.mp3

РАСПРАВА - Комфорт бункеров.mp3

РАСПРАВА - Корм для гробов.mp3

РАСПРАВА - Крах человечества.mp3

РАСПРАВА - Марионетки.mp3

РАСПРАВА - Мертвый кусок дерьма.mp3

РАСПРАВА - Поколение трупов.mp3

Size: 27 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 2 times


Genres: Metal, Punk, D-beat, Beatdown

Release year: 2022

Country: Russian Federation

City: Saint Petersburg

Language: Russian

Format: .mp3

Moratory - F.P.F.W..mp3

Moratory - Государство (ГрОб cover).mp3

Moratory - Круговорот.mp3

Moratory - Не Время в Могилу.mp3

Moratory - Под Ненасытным Небом.mp3

Size: 51 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 6 times


Genres: Crust, D-beat

Release year: 2021

Country: Sweden

City: Goeteborg

Language: Swedish

Format: .mp3

Bitrait: 320 kbps

Knivad - Avdelning 369.mp3

Knivad - Deras Hat.mp3

Knivad - Haktad.mp3

Knivad - Somnlosa natter.mp3

Knivad - Dricka for att glomma.mp3

Knivad - Jag Blev Ingenting.mp3

Knivad - Ett overgrepp.mp3

Knivad - Forbrukad.mp3

Knivad - Talet.mp3

Knivad - Jorden Satt I Brand.mp3

Size: 82,4 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 3 times


Genres: D-beat, Crossover, Thrash

Release year: 2021

Country: Argentina

City: Buenos Aires

Language: Spanish language

Format: .mp3

Bitrait: 320 kbps

Disgarche - Introducción al fuego.mp3

Disgarche - Prueba Piloto.mp3

Disgarche - Los desposeídos.mp3

Disgarche - Sentenciado, obligado, condenado.mp3

Disgarche - Un engranaje más.mp3

Disgarche - Ya te escuché.mp3

Disgarche - La vida es hermosa.mp3

Disgarche - The final of chapters (cover Disfear).mp3

Disgarche - Estado de angustia permanente.mp3

Disgarche - Correcto y conforme.mp3

Disgarche - Rata inmunda.mp3

Disgarche - Amigo de un femicida.mp3

Disgarche - Hacerme daño y olvidar.mp3

Disgarche - Hardcore Billete.mp3

Disgarche - Leaders Deceivers Fantasy Overload (cover Discharge).mp3

Disgarche - Buenas personas.mp3

Disgarche - Las balas pican cerca.mp3

Disgarche - La maldad no tiene límite.mp3

Disgarche - Dolorosa Lucidez.mp3

Disgarche - Las reglas del juego.mp3

Disgarche - Miseria (cover Bastard).mp3

Disgarche - Lavado de cerebro en oferta.mp3

Disgarche - El rostro de la infelicidad.mp3

Disgarche - El inexorable final.mp3

Size: 117 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 3 times


Genres: Crust, D-beat, Female vocal

Release year: 2021

Country: Sweden

City: Stockholm

Language: Polish

Format: .mp3

Bitrait: 320 kbps

Smierc - Instrukcja.mp3

Smierc - Muren.mp3

Smierc - Yxan.mp3

Smierc - Frustracja.mp3

Smierc - Teledemokracja.mp3

Smierc - Slowa.mp3

Smierc - Paranoja.mp3

Size: 17,2 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 12 times


Genres: Crust, D-beat, Hardcore

Release year: 2021

Country: Ukraine

City: Poltava

Language: Russian

Format: .mp3

Bitrait: 320 kbps

Hellknights - Волк среди овец.mp3

Hellknights - Заклятие зверя.mp3

Hellknights - ...В чаще логове....mp3

Size: 10,9 Mb

Status: Verified

Downloaded: 7 times