DIY Street rock zine

Interview with NO HEART

Describe the usual working week of a usual Canadian skin. 

This answer of course assumes I am a usual Canadian Skin (which I may not be) But a regular week for me is spent working way too many hours (10+ a day 5 days a week minimum) - I have a good job and like what I do, but I also have a lot of obligations and so I work my ass off to try and meet them. Spare time is spent with my family as much as possible and I still try and squeeze in a couple of nights a week to play music. The one luxury I do have is my work is also the rehearsal space for both of my bands (The down side there is that I spend even more time at my place of work) - Somewhere in between all of that, I try and throw a few cups of coffee, a few beers and even a meal or two into my body... and if I can I'll try and catch a bit of sleep and maybe a shower and shave.